Nr. 8 (82) / august 2013

Stimați colegi,

Vă rugăm să trimiteți informații la adresa Pentru ca informațiile să fie incluse în buletinul informativ, ele trebuie să satisfacă trei condiții: (i) publicațiile și conferințele anunțate să țină de domeniul filozofiei; (ii) să apară în contexte academice; (iii) autorii să fie cetățeni români sau să aibă afilierea în România. Pentru volumele colective și revistele academice, vă rugăm să ne trimiteți și sumarul.

Ca și până acum, buletinul informativ va avea următoarea structură:

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate
B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din străinătate
C) Studii în volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate
D) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în străinătate

A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din țară
B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din țară
C) Studii in volume colective publicate la edituri din țară
D) Traduceri
E) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în țară


A) Apel la contribuții pentru reviste academice
B) Apel la contribuții pentru conferințe și colocvii academice


de Societatea Română de Fenomenologie (SRF) și de Centrul de studii fenomenologice (CFS-UB)

Cristian Ciocan
Iulian Apostolescu


Membri înscriși: 1786



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A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Ștefan Alexandru, Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda. Annotated Critical Edition Based upon a Systematic Investigation of Greek, Latin, Arabic and Hebrew Sources, Brill, 2013
  2. Dragoș Calma, Etudes sur le premier siècle de l’averroïsme latin. Approches et textes inédits, Brepols, 2013

B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din străinătate

  1. Ana Bazac: "Significances of an “Alternative” Health Care: The Health Column in a Romanian Post-Communist Popular Magazine", in: Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Volume 20, Issue 2-3, 2012, pp. 151-169
  2. Elena Băltuță: "Aquinas on Intellectual Cognition: The Case of Intelligible Species", in: Philosophia, September 2013, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 589-602
  3. Radu Cristescu: "Hans-Helmuth Gander, Nils Godschmidt, and Uwe Dathe (eds.): Phänomenologie und die Ordnung der Wirtschaft. Edmund Husserl, Rudolf Eucken, Walter Eucken, Michel Foucault", in: Human Studies, August 2013, Volume 36, Issue 3, pp 441-449
  4. Christian Ferencz-Flatz: "Husserls Begriff der Kinästhese und seine Entwicklung", in: Husserl Studies, August 2013
  5. Dan Eugen Rațiu: "Creative cities and/or sustainable cities: Discourses and practices", in: City, Culture and Society, Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2013, Pages 125–135
  6. Camil Ungureanu: "Bourdieu and Derrida on Gift: Beyond “Double Truth” and Paradox", in: Human Studies, August 2013, Volume 36, Issue 3, pp 393-409

C) Studii în volume colective publicate la edituri din străinătate

  1. Eveline Cioflec: "Questioning Husserl’s Conception of a ‘Primal Endowment’ (Ur-Stiftung) and Heidegger’s Concept of Enowning (Ereignis)", in: A-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Analecta Husserliana 2013, Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Cosmos The Life-world, Nature, Earth: Book Two, pp 181-190
  2. Carmen Cozma: "Nature: Sealing the Humanness. Applying Phenomenology of Life to a Romanian Artistic Work", in: A-T. Tymieniecka (Ed.), Analecta Husserliana 2013, Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Cosmos The Life-world, Nature, Earth: Book One, pp 235-244
  3. Claudia Șerban: "La phénoménologie de la conscience comme fuite devant le Dasein: l’interprétation heideggérienne de Husserl à Marbourg en 1923-24", in: Tobias Keiling (Hrsg.), Heideggers Marburger Zeit, Vittorio Klostermann, 2013

D) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în străinătate

  1. Marin Aiftinca: "Personal and common values in actuality", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  2. Ana Bazac: "Conatus and the worth of life in a time of crisis", Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, 28 - 30 July 2013, University of Ionnina
  3. Ana Bazac: "Wasted wisdom?", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  4. Petru Bejan: "Peut-on représenter la vérité?", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  5. Ioan Biriş: "L’identité symbolique et la logique partitive des valeurs spirituelles", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  6. Ana Maria Caminski: "Vita contemplativa and vita activa. Hannah Arendt", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  7. Ana Caras & Antonio Sandu: "The need for committees of ethics in the ethical evaluation of social services", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  8. Niadi-Corina Cernica: "Consolation of philosophy – Philosophy at the beginning of the Middle Ages", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  9. Dan Chiţoiu: "St. Gregory Palamas’ Doctrine of supernatural knowledge: Implications for the understanding of philosophy in the eastern Christianity", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  10. Dan Chiţoiu: "Inquiry as an existential attitude: The way of eastern Christian philosophizing", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  11. Gheorghe Clitan: "Some critical thinking elements in advertising analysis", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  12. Gheorghe Constandache: "Songe et vision philosophique/Philosophical dream and vision", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  13. Carmen Cozma: "Toward an ethics of life in the “ontopoietic” vision", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  14. Carmen Cozma: "Towards the divine transcendent with A.-T. Tymieniecka’s phenomenology of life", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  15. Rodica Croitoru: "Platonic idea and transcendental idea as investigation and opening to life", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  16. Wilhelm Danca: "Cultural synthesis as an invitation to an open identity in Romania today", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  17. Dan Ioan Dascalu: "Survival individualism as perverse effect of communist totalitarianism", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  18. Madalina Diaconu, "Grasping the wind? The aesthetic participation, between cognition and immersion“, Panel on „Aesthetic Engagement“ at the 19th International Congress of Aesthetics „Aesthetics in Action“, Krakow, 21 July 2013
  19. Ioan Dura: "Defining the indefinable: The hermeneutics of the upanishadic negation neti, neti inSankara’s apophatic theology ", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  20. Virgil Draghici: "Is G true by Gödel’s theorem?", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  21. Cornelia Eşianu: "Das Ding und die Poesie bei Friedrich Schlegel", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  22. Viorel Guliciuc: "Perspectives on the engineered singularity", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  23. Viorel Guliciuc: "From wisdom to digital wisdom as negotiated identity", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  24. Anca Simona Hagiu: "État de réveil et lucidité philosophique. Une perspective non conventionnelle sur l’éducation", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  25. Cristian Hainic: "Some Procedural Aspects of Heideggers’s Hermeneutic Philosophy of Art", 19th International Congress of Aesthetics „Aesthetics in Action“, Krakow, 26 July 2013
  26. Florina-Rodica Hariga: "The concept of synderesis in Bonaventure’s philosophy: The medieval problem of understanding what drives human nature toward good actions", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  27. Vlad Ionescu: "The Rigorous and the Vague: On the Concepts of Wölfflin, Riegl and Worringer", Speculative Art Histories, 2 - 5 May 2013, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  28. Florin Lobont: "Philosophy and counterrationality: The Holocaust as challenge to philosophical understanding", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  29. Sebastian Maftei: "From Aesthetic Freedom to Morality and Beyond? Schiller’s Challenges to Kant’s Views on Morality and Aesthetic Experience", 19th International Congress of Aesthetics „Aesthetics in Action“, Krakow, 26 July 2013
  30. Georgeta Marghescu: "La philosophie écologique: La réinvention de la philosophie comme mode de vie", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  31. Sorin-Tudor Maxim: "Tolérance et empathie: Valeurs centrales de l’aide sociale dans une société en changement", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  32. Claudiu Marius Mesaros: "An eleventh century Transylvanian philosopher and his modern doxographer: Gerard of Cenad and Ignatius Batthyány", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  33. Georgiana Munteanu: "A short introduction to Dumitru Stăniloae’s distinctions between the three persons of divinity", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  34. Ionel Narita: "An epistemological and semiotic approach of ontological argument", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  35. Adrian Nita: "Realité et actualité chez Kant", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  36. Laura Lenke Pana: "Effective communication", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  37. Mihaela Pop: "Some aspects of the performance art and the bodily-being-in-the-world", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  38. Rodica Pop: "Why is Plato painted on the walls of the Orthodox churches?", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  39. Bogdan Popoveniuc: "The technological singularity from a psychological perspective", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  40. Bogdan Popoveniuc: "The philosophy of the fourth wave", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  41. Dan Rațiu: "Everyday Aesthetics as Practical Philosophy: Exploring the Roles of “Aesthetic Knowing” and “Aesthetic Choice” in Everyday Life", 19th International Congress of Aesthetics „Aesthetics in Action“, Krakow, 26 July 2013
  42. Dan Rațiu: "Artistic Critique on Capitalism: Recent Controversies about ‘Critique’ and ‘Crisis’", ESA 11th Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change, 28 - 31 August 2013 Torino, Italy
  43. Dan Eugen Ratiu: "The state of aesthetics: Between art and everyday life", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  44. Nicolae Rambu: "Das Leben als ein Geschäft. Überlegungen über Schopenhauers Eudämonologie", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  45. Antonio Sandu: "Appreciative ethics of care", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  46. Mihai D. Vasile: "The form of the universal in the ancient Greek philosophy", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  47. Adriana Varlan: "The meaning of death and life for Emil Cioran", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens
  48. Dan Zeman: "Temporal variadic operators", XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 4 - 10 August 2013, Athens



A) Cărți sau volume colective publicate la edituri din țară

  1. Ştefan Afloroaei, Privind altfel lumea celor absurde, Humanitas, 2013
  2. Elena Băltuţă, De la quo la quod. Teoria cunoaşterii la Toma din Aquino şi d-ul care face diferenţa, Humanitas, 2013
  3. Roxana Ghiaţău, Etica profesiei didactice, Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi, 2013
  4. Adrian Michiduță, Fanu Dutulescu, psiholog si filosof, Aius Printed, 2013
  5. Ion Petrica, Religiozitatea si institutiile sociale in Romania, Editura Institutul European, 2013


B) Articole sau recenzii publicate în reviste din țară

  1. Catalina Elena Dobre: "Kierkegaard and the Silent Communication of Love", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  2. Mihnea Dobre: "Knowledge and Certainty in the Foundation of Cartesian Natural Philosophy", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  3. Daba Jalobeanu: "Learning from Experiment: Classification, Concept Formation and Modeling in Francis Bacon’s Experimental Philosophy", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  4. Sebastian Mateiescu: "Melanchton and the Concept of Universal Experience", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  5. Adrian Nita: "Essays on Theodicy by Leibniz after Three Hundred Years", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  6. Ionuţ Răduică: "Nicolae Turcanu, Credinţa ca filosofie. Marginalii la gândirea tradiţiei (Faith as Philosophy. Reflections on the Thinking of Tradition), Cluj-Napoca, Eikon, 2011" [recenzie], in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  7. Anca-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann: "Kierkegaards Begriff der ,,Stärkung im Inwendingen Menschen”. Eine philosophische Metapher und ihre Vorgeschichte", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013
  8. Ștefan Vianu: "Une philosophie du christianisme: Le Traité Tripartite", in: Revue roumaine de philosophie, Volum 57, nr. 21, 2013


C) Studii în volume colective publicate la edituri din țară


D) Traduceri

  1. Moshe Idel, Evreii lui Saturn. Despre sabatul vrajitoarelor si sabatianism, traducere din limba italiana de Cornelia Dumitru, Polirom, 2013



E) Conferințe și manifestări academice desfășurate în țară :



A) Apel la contribuții (reviste academice sau volume colective)

  1. Noema XIII, 2014. Deadline: 1 octombrie 2013
  2. ALKEMIE. Revue semestrielle de littérature et de philosophie, Numéro 13 : Le silence. Deadline: 15 martie 2014

B) Apel la contribuții (conferințe și colocvii)

  1. Simpozion: Hermeneutica ideii de filosofie românească, 8 - 9 noiembrie 2013, Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea din București. Deadline: 1 octombrie 2013:
